on Sunday 30th of june 2024 we’ve had a walk-in from 11:45 A.M.
Many people came to see our extended presentation. (Dutch Spoken…)

Micro-sd for the Gospel

Micro-sd for the GospelWe can make excellent use of them to spread the Gospel in MP3 (audio recordings). You can send the card(s) in a sufficiently stamped envelope to our (temporary) address: Titus Brandsmastraat 20
3421CC Oudewater, the Netherlands

Furlough 2024

You can download all translations here


About Us


Welcome to our website!Family Hofmann 2023

Here you will be able to find information about our calling to be missionaries and what this means for our daily lives. On the left, you find the links to what’s currently happening.

We will keep this website up to date, so you can come back any time to see what developments have taken place. You can also subscribe to our newsletters that we send about every three months. You can also follow us on Facebook. Just send us a friendship request.

Besides this website, our newsletters or our personal Facebook, you can follow the work on our Facebook page: Vaovao Mahafaly Antanala.

You rather watch some videos? You can do so through our video channels Odysee, Bitchute, or YouTube. You’ll never miss a new upload when you subscribe:

We hope that this website will serve to get you involved in what we are doing now and what we hope to do in the future.

Have fun reading!

Jurgen & Katja

Vanya, Issa, Abbey, Dani & Simeon

About us

We are the Hofmann family: Jurgen & Katja and our 5 children Vanya, Issa, Abbey, Dani, and Simeon. Since long, we have longed and have received a call to serve as missionaries among unreached people groups. Since we have started to travel along this road it has become clear that we will serve in Madagascar. We have become members of Africa Inland Mission (AIM) in 2013.

We (Jurgen & Katja) were married in 1997. Our children were born in 2004 (Vanya), 2006 (Issa), 2008 (Abbey), 2011 (Dani) and 2015 (Simeon) respectively. We enjoy our family life together.

Jurgen’s study brought us to England, where we lived in a hamlet near Bridgnorth for a year. We deliberately chose for the opportunity to spend time abroad to see what it would be like to be away from friends and family and to adapt to a different culture. Furthermore, we value our experiences and relations that have enriched us. We are still involved—although distant—in the life of Bridgnorth Baptist Church, who also support our work through prayer. In the Netherlands we are part of an evangelical church, where we have been most active in youth work and preaching.

Early in our marriage we got involved in missionary work. We have supported missionaries and have been on a short mission trip to China in 2001. You can find some photos of that trip in our multimedia section below. Since then, we have longed to serve the Lord full-time. The time just did not seem ripe just then. In 2008 this changed as the Lord began to nudge us towards mission work dependently from another. By now we work and live since 2015 on Madagascar. We’ve lived for five years among the Antanala people in a beautiful, but very remote area. We have returned to the capital since 2022 but are travelling as often as possible back to our village, because the work is not yet done.

Introducing (Dutch Spoken)
Introducing (Dutch Spoken)

Introducing (Dutch Spoken)



Jurgen was trained and has worked as a bread-baker. Through the testimony and efforts of his first employer he has embraced Christ Jesus as his Lord. After our oldest daughter was born he became a homemaker until he started studying Theology & Mission in 2011. He is preparing himself for our missionary work through his studies, reading and various courses. In his spare time he maintains his website on defending the faith.



Katja has helped her mother in her flower shop from a young age. During her Law Study she worked at a bailiff’s office. After graduation she became a lawyer in 2002. Since Jurgen started his Theology Study she took his place as a homemaker and started home educating the children, also in preparation for conditions on the mission field. Now, on the field, she is still the children’s teacher which gives us great flexibility. She loves being there for her family. As a passtime she enjoys being in the outdoors and reading.



Vanya is our oldest child (2004). She loves to read and play music on her flute and violin. Vanya also like to maintain her video channels: youtube and Odysee.



Issa (2006) likes to have adventures. He often sets out on long hikes. Besides that he loves to help repair the car or motorbike.



Abbey is our third child (2008). She is the creative one. Give her some tape, glue and paper and you’ll end up with fantastic creations.



Dani (2011) is a real trooper. When we lived in the village, he loved to walk around barefoot through the rice fields and woods. He could be busy like that all day long in order to return home with a bag full of berries. Dani is also very clever with computers and often writes his own codes.



Simeon is our youngest (2015). He is the lucky one as he gets all the attention of his siblings. Simeon is a smart boy and very easy going. Without much trouble he switches between the rural and urban life and between the spoken languages.


On this page you can read about mission in the 21st century, about the work of Africa Inland Mission and about the work we do on Madagascar. Below you can see the other subjects we have written about.

Do you have questions? Please contact us.


We love to share with you about our passion.

Would you consider supporting us in our work? We thank you if you do.

Read all articles

Our Team

The homefrontcommittee is a team of enthusiastic people who help us with all sorts of practical issues. They were and are the link between us and the homefront during our studies and time on the missionfield. The team consists of people with different talents and qualities. They all have their own specific task but they often need to improvise as well. We are blessed having them to help us!

General: Willem & Renske Bas
Logistics: David Pavlotzky
Prayer: Fer van Strijen
General: Willem & Renske Bas

General: Willem & Renske Bas

Willem and Renske Bas joined the team in 2018. They both have a heart for mission and the un-reached. Willem and Renske are practical people and when we asked them to join the homefrontcommittee they first wanted to know what their function would be. They are very employable so we gave them the label ‘general’ They are people of prayer, they love children and they are never to busy for a chat! We value their input greatly, and are happy with them in our team

Logistics: David Pavlotzky

Logistics: David Pavlotzky

Logistical support can entail many things. David helped us when we moved to England and later he send our newsletters. When we came back to Holland he helped us getting a house. Now, whilst on the field, he supports us in practical matters like maintaining a server on which he hosts our website. Also other thing which we can’t manage from Madagascar, David is our man.

David is also our contact person in Holland:
Tel.:+31 654203683

Prayer: Fer van Strijen

Prayer: Fer van Strijen

A very important task within mission work is prayer. Fer loves to pray. What’s more, Fer love to incourage others to pray as well. He also keeps the several prayer groups informed, and he organises prayer meetings when necessary.

Interesting reads? Read on in our archive!

Sometimes it is fun just reading them through.
To discover what God has done in our lives. And how things can change on the way.

Read on


Below you can watch our latest videos. Go to the video page to watch all our videos.

Video Page

Promotion DVD

Shortly before our departure to Madagascar, we’ve made a promotion DVD with a lot of interesting information about the big island. We have made the DVD available online as well.

Promotion DVD

Mission trip to China in 2001

Below you find some of the pictures we have taken during our mission trip to China in 2001. This trip settled the longing to do mission deep in our hearts.
We are happy to tell you more about this trip, so don’t hesitate to ask.



Read here the first chapters of Genesis in the dialect of the Antanala people on Madagascar [DRAFT]

Book of Acts!!

Read here the book of Acts in the dialect of the Antanala people on Madagascar

Gospel of Luke!!

Read here the Gospel of Luke in the dialect of the Antanala people on Madagascar

Bible Stories

Below you’ll find the 41 stories of the Bible translated in the Malagasy-Tanala language.

All Available Material

Here you will find all available material for download

Feel free to use our materials. Also, it would be great if we could work together to see the Kingdom of God grow!.
U can reach us through our contact page. We would appreciate it to receive photos and/or videos from the projects in which you use this material. That way, we can show our supporters what a blessing their support is for the Antanala.

The Book of Acts

The Book of Acts

The Book of Acts PDF 484kb.

Parallel Antanala/Dutch Statenvertaling

Parallel Antanala/Dutch Statenvertaling

Gospel of Luke parallel Antanala (Antanala/Dutch Statenvertaling) PDF 1,1mb.

Gospel of Luke in Malagasy-Antanala

Gospel of Luke in Malagasy-Antanala

Gospel of Luke in Malagasy-Antanala (district Mananjary) PDF 835kb.



41 Bible stories in Malagasy-Antanala (district Mananjary) in video format (MKV with chapters) 492.1 mb.



The pictures that are used alongside the stories.

Audio Recordings

Audio Recordings

Audio Recordings of the 41 Bible stories.

41 Bible stories

41 Bible stories

41 Bijbel verhalen in Malagasy-Antanala (district Mananjary) with Dutch translation, PDF 1.9 mb.

41 Bible stories

41 Bible stories

41 Bible stories in Malagasy-Antanala (district Mananjary) PDF 1.8 mb.

Support us

A missionary does not do the work alone. Support is an absolute necessity. Support can be given by a church, a mission organisation, family and friends. It is very important to have a network of people who want to share in the missionary work. On this page on the left you can find what you can do: pray, encourage and give.

The Bridgnorth Baptist Church is supportive of our future ministry on Madagascar. Together with our sending church in the Netherlands, the ‘Ambassade‘, they pray for us regularly.

In October 2013 we have become members of Africa Inland Mission (AIM), an organisation with over a 100 years of experience in Africa. They will facilitate the mission work, which means they (help) provide the practical means that enable the missionary to function properly.

You also read our leaflet, with all the important information, in your own time: Download here


    You still have some old micro-sd cards?

    We can make excellent use of them to spread the Gospel in MP3 (audio recordings). You can send the card(s) in a sufficiently stamped envelope to our address below:

    Jurgen & Katja Hofmann
    BP714, Antananarivo 101 Madagascar

    We hope to have made you enthusiastic about our work on Madagascar and to have invited you to walk up with us. If that is the case and you would like to be informed of our progress and news you can fill in the subscription form below:


    We will send you our quarterly newsletters if you do.

    Here you can find the old newsletters:

    You can follow us through:




    RSS Feed


    Postal Address:

    BP714, Antananarivo 101 Madagascar

    Contact person Netherlands:

    David Pavlotzky

    Tel.:+31 654203683