English lessons Vanya (May 2010)

English lessons Vanya (May 2010)

During our trip to England in May 2010 we have purchased a method for teaching English during the Reception Year. Vanya is now taught English by Katja so she will not be too much behind when she starts school in England.

Vanya enjoys her lessons very much. She often asks when she will be having another lesson. Sofar she easily picks up the English language. She can read quite some words and even sentences. Learning and teaching English is fun!

Report Englandtrip (May 2010)

Report Englandtrip (May 2010)

In the beginning of May we have spent two weeks in England to prepare ourselves further. We have had a wonderful time.

We had hoped to view some rental houses, but now our house has not definitively been sold we decided against that. We did see a letting agent to inform about our possibilities as foreigners. We were told that we can rent a house, but that we will have to pay the rent 6 months up front. Also, the rental period will initially be 6 months. Apart from this the usual terms apply.

Another important event was our visit to the River School, the school we hope to send our children. First we visited the school for an interview with the Director and a tour. The next day Vanya had a taster day in Reception class, whilst Issa spent the morning in Nursery. We are convinced the River School is a good choice for our children. We will be informed about the admission, sofar we expect no difficulties will arise.

Of course our trip was also a chance to relax and we did. On the farm where we stayed a calf had been born that we could see within 15 minutes after birth. The children enjoyed the farm animals, but were also a bit afraid at times. Feeding the pig was very adventurous! For some photos of our stay in England you can take a look on the ‘About us’ page under ‘family photos’.