Epoxy is your Friend

Epoxy is your Friend

Car trouble is bound to happen when you travel the roads of Madagascar with all the put holes and big bumbs.

We spend our Christmas and New Year in Mantasoa. A wonderful place in the area of Antananarivo… ‘Only’ 16 hours drive from home. Naturally you check all the fluids in the car and whether all visible part are still tight. The car did just fine, and we had a lovely holiday in Mantasoa.

Then, on our way back, 30 kilometres from the nearest town, the bar that holds the radiator broke. The radiator went down and with that, hoses came loose. The bar had to be welded, so we quickly continued our way to the garage. At least that was the plan. After a few hundred metres, the clutch stopped working. The pipe with clutch fluid leaked, and thus we didn’t have any pressure. After a long drive (since we only could drive in third gear) we arrived at the garage. Repair, in between heavy showers of rain, took 4 hours.

On our way again and finally after 15 hours we reached our favourite stopover, Ranomafana. Just a short break of a few days among some nice people is lovely. I wish! The radiator started leaking again. This time we do the repairs ourselves. Epoxy-glue is your friend when you own a car on Madagascar.

I decided to see it as a hobby… That way it is less annoying. Also, it gives an opportunity to learn the traits of mechanics, which is useful for a missionary. Likewise, plumber, electrician, carpenter, road worker and what not.

The Big House

The Big House

Building the Trano-be, Madagascar About a year ago, on a Thursday morning, Jurgen was telling the bible stories to the king of Tsiombivohitra. There was another man in the house, an older man. Jurgen did not know him and asked his name: Iaban’i Roly. The coming weeks iaban’i Roly joined the meetings in Tsiombivohitra. After getting to know each other a bit better it turned out that the man officially lived in our village. The reason Jurgen did not see him there yet? Iaban’i Roly was building a new big house (trano-be) and until it was finished he lived somewhere else.

One day the man asked Jurgen why he did not tell the stories in Maroamboka since we live there? Jurgen explained that we promised the other villages to come there as soon as possible and that we must keep our promises. Iaban’i Roly and Jurgen decided start the stories in his house when it is finished. That would take a few more months.

The house is finished! Jurgen visited and found Iaban’i Roly’s wife who said she would send her husband to talk with him. He came yesterday the plan is that Jurgen will start the stories after Christmas. Iaban’i Roly said that Thursday morning is the best time to have more listeners since it is taboo to work on this day.

Building a trano-be, MadagascarOkay, why telling this? Well, the appointment is very interesting. Iaban’i Roly is not only one of the king of Maroamboka, he is also considered to be a important and powerful witch doctor. Together with his ‘colleague’ witch doctor he has costumers from all around the area. He even receives people from the capital, Antananarivo. They come especially to get a ‘blessing’ or something else only he can provide. The Malagasy fear him. We are not worried. Although the stories are very clear on the practices of the witch doctors, Jurgen is there because he has been invited. He just couldn’t let go of this invitation.

Newsletter November

Newsletter November

We have just send our newsletter for November 2019 with the following subjects:

  • The work in the villages
  • Translating, and further…
  • Our family
  • Furlough
  • Things to pray for

Read the newsletter online.

Or download it here.

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Our favourite stopover

Our favourite stopover

Three times a year we travel to the capital Antananarivo. Jurgen undertook this trip every month the first year we lived in Maroamboka. A trip that, if everything goes well, can be done in 16 hours. In the capital we meet friends, we get to worship in English at our church, and we can arrange the necessary administrative matters (such as visa, car and motorcycle papers and several money matters).

It is a tiring journey. We prefer to combine the trip with a stopover in Ranomafana. This is a tourist village in the middle of the national park with the same name. We always look forward to stay there for two or three days before traveling on to Tana.

Needless to say there are luxury hotels and restaurants in a place like Ranomafana. These hotels mainly rely on tourism. However, we prefer to stay in a simple hotel called ‘La Palmeraie’. It is simple but adequate and also affordable for the Malagasy in terms of price. Hotel La Palmeraie is our place. Maman’i Kano is the owner and she knows us well. She is very welcoming and receives us joyfully. The rooms are simple and, not unimportant, clean! We always have two rooms for which we pay a total of 60,000 Ariary (about € 15,–) per night. We share the toilet and the shower (with hot water) with other guests which is okay because there are cleaned several times a day.

We usually plan to stay a few days, from Monday to Thursday. We leave on Monday morning to arrive in the afternoon. We don’t do much on Tuesdays. The children usually go into the village or to a river to play. On Wednesdays we sometimes go to the thermal bath. This bath is cleaned weekly on Tuesday so Wednesday is the day to go. For us it is 1,000 Ariary (about € 0.25) per person because we live on Madagascar. For tourists it is slightly more expensive (5,000 Ariary, about € 1,25)). On Thursday morning we leave around 05:00 to arrive in Tana in the evening. This is the way we try to keep traveling a fun and a bit more relaxed thing to do.

We’ll post some photos of Hotel La Palmeraie below.
There are also rooms available with a private shower and toilet. The rooms vary from large to small.
Prices start at 30,000 Ariary (about€ 7,50) with the ‘most expensive’ room for 60,000 Ariary per night.
Telephone number: +261 34 45 940 88
Locatie Openstreet Maps: Maroamboka, Madagaskar-21.25822/47.45392 – OpenstreetMaps
Locatie Openstreet Maps: Maroamboka, Madagaskar21°15’29.4″S 47°27’15.2″E – Google Maps

Micro Credit

Micro Credit

Our area is rich in many respects: there is an abundance of rice, fruit, coffee and sugarcane. Most people have chickens, while the rich own cattle. Local stores sell basic food items such as beans, peanuts and dried fish. Despite low wages (Eur 0,74 a day) our neighbours have enough … until sickness arrives.

Treatment by a local GP costs anywhere between 5 and 8 days’ wages, whereas treatment in hospital – over 2 hours’ drive away – costs several months’ wages. Our neighbours often know where to find us when the dark days come. Letena came to us this last December. His wife urgently needed a caesarian in hospital, but he did not have any funds. If no help came he would lose his baby and his wife – also mother of his son.

We helped Letena with a gift and a loan. The same day his wife was transported to hospital where a healthy daughter was born. Now, over half a year later, both mother and child are faring well. The child received the name ‘Fandriana soa nomenan’Andriamanitra’, which means ‘The Creator gave a good bed’.

Meanwhile business has picked up for Letena: sofar he has been able to pay back over half of his debt to us. By giving money to pay towards medical expenses we help save lives; by giving credit our neighbours retain their pride and dignity as they show the ability to provide for their families. Giving and lending is also culturally appropriate: borrowing and lending are a normal part of interdependency in relationships.

On behalf of Letena and many other neighbours: a warm thank you to everyone who has helped us to live and give in this place!

Fandriana soa is a healthy girl
Letena’s wife proudly shows her daughter Fandriana soa
Fandriana soa nomenan’Andriamanitra
Fandriana soa nomenan’Andriamanitra
Letena's wife with Fandriana Soa
Fandriana Soa six months old
Gospel on two wheels

Gospel on two wheels

The motorbike is a blessing! It saves so much time in travelling. Now, Jurgen is able to visit not one but two or three villages per day. Also the villages that are far away or hard to reach. As long as there is a doable path, Jurgen can travel on it.

The children love to come along as well. They scream and laugh whilst bouncing up and down on the bad road. In the villages they like to listen to the stories and they love the Malagasy hospitality. The Malagasy are amazed that they are able to hold on… That motorbike goes so fast!

Jurgen hopes to travel to Vatohanitra soon. Vatohanitra is the next community from our place. The purpose of this visit is to meet up with a new pastor, Stanis, who came to live their just two months ago. We hope we can work together. If that works out we can leave the care of some villages near Vatohanitra to him and his church. The pastor does not speak the dialect yet so we have to be patient. The first meeting, two months ago, went well. He was very enthusiastic about all the work that has already started.

Around the house

Around the house

We’ve made some pictures around the house.
What is that over there walking through the shrubs? What is growing in the garden and on the trees? Who is looking through the window?

Pineapple growing in our garden on madagascar

Newsletter August 2019

Newsletter August 2019

Yes! Here is our newsletter.
Do you want to receive it in your inbox next time? Just send us your emailaddress (we would also like to hear when you change your address).
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Click here to read the newsletter online.

The very first story set

The very first story set

We (Menja and Jurgen) have been working hard the last 1.5 year! The very first story set in the Tanala language is ready to be used.

Our friends, Doris and Alphossin, gladly received the first set. Both go to several villages on regular base. They try to motivate the young Christians to come with them to learn the ‘trait’. Many of them mostly speak and understand the Tanala dialect. With these stories they to can reach out to their own people and tell them about the wonderful news of the Gospel. In due time, when internet speed allows it, we will upload the stories together with the audio files. This way others can use them as well.

We are happy and proud!

Doris & AlphossinDoris

‘Ik ben op de smalle weg!’

‘Ik ben op de smalle weg!’

Het is 3 januari en we genieten van de kerstvakantie. Het is lang geleden dat we als gezin Tsiombivohitra hebben bezocht en nu hebben we de tijd. Iaban’i en nendrin’i Melice, de koning van het dorp en zijn vrouw, weten dat we komen en hebben zich voorbereid: bij het vuur ligt al een gebonden kip klaar. ‘We blijven toch zeker eten?!’ Het is echt genieten bij hen: we krijgen allemaal—de kinderen ook—een kop koffie met suikerrietsap en we kletsen gezellig bij.

Tsiombivohitra is ‘ons eerste dorp’. Toen we hier in 2016 voor het eerst als gezin kwamen hebben we gevraagd of we als zendelingen bij hen welkom zouden zijn. We legden uit dat we ook vrienden nodig zouden hebben. Er volgde luid geroezemoes en daarbovenuit verklaarde nendrin’i Melice luid en duidelijk dat we vrienden zouden zijn. Ook toen al straalde ze: er was meteen een klik.

De mensen uit Tsiombivohitra hebben sindsdien veel geduld moeten hebben: na ons bezoek in september 2016 moest eerst ons huis gebouwd worden. In februari 2017 konden we erin. De eerste tijd waren we, behalve met het leren van het dialect en de plaatselijke cultuur, veel tijd kwijt met praktische probleem en leren hoe hier te leven. Het contact met Tsiombivohitra hielden we warm, maar van Bijbelverhalen vertellen kon nog geen sprake zijn, omdat de verhalen nog niet in het dialect waren vertaald. Tot ons eerste verlof in oktober 2017 was daarvoor 8 maanden de tijd.

In april 2018 waren we weer terug in ons huis in Maroamboka. Een van de eerste dingen die Jurgen oppakte was het contact met Tsiombivohitra. Vanaf mei vorig jaar ging Jurgen daar wekelijks heen om in het huis van de koning en zijn vrouw het evangelie te delen met wie maar horen wilde. Van meet af aan was met name nendrin’i Melice zeer geïnteresseerd. Haar man bevestigde de vriendschapsband door samen met Jurgen van hetzelfde bord te eten en uit dezelfde beker te drinken. Een andere keer zat de hut stampvol met dorpelingen.

Maar toen kwam eind juni: de koning en zijn vrouw waren niet thuis. In juli was er af en toe een enkeling die kwam luisteren, maar in augustus was het dorp leeg! We begrepen er niets van. Waar was iedereen? Het antwoord: naar de markt. Dat maakte het voor ons niet duidelijk. Naar de markt gaan is leuk, maar er was toch een afspraak? En Jurgen moest er 7 km heen en 7 km terug voor lopen in de brandende zon! We deelden onze frustraties met vrienden. Iedereen leek het de normaalste zaak van de wereld te vinden dat Tsiombivohitra leeg was op marktdag. Uiteindelijk werd ons duidelijk dat de markt vooral een sociale aangelegenheid is: daar moet je heen. We hebben ons dus maar bij de koffiemarkt neergelegd en het seizoen afgewacht. De koffie-oogst en de bijbehorende markt duurden nog tot eind november. Gelukkig ging het werk in andere dorpen ondertussen door.

Na 5 maanden pauze was het spannend de bezoeken aan Tsiombivohitra weer op te pakken: betekende hun keuze voor de markt desinteresse of was het puur een culturele aangelegenheid? Al snel werd duidelijk dat Jurgen—met Bijbelverhalen—nog steeds welkom was. De derde keer was het verhaal over de smalle en de brede weg aan de beurt, het moment in de verhalenreeks waarop mensen een keuze wordt voorgehouden. Nendrin’i Melice gaf daarop aan dat ze Jezus wilde volgen. Jurgen heeft toen uitgelegd dat het leven van een gelovige moeilijk is en dat het offers vraagt. Hij heeft haar aangeraden er goed over na te denken en gezegd wat ze zou kunnen bidden als ze door wilde zetten. De weken daarop heeft hij het verhaal herhaald, ook vanwege nieuwkomers.

Zo ook op 3 januari. Jurgen legt uit wat de 2 wegen zijn als nendrin’i Melice uitroept: ‘Ik ben op de smalle weg!’ Ze ziet zielsgelukkig en voegt later toe: ‘Ik ga naar de hemel!’

In een privégesprek vertelt de koning later dat hij en zijn vrouw nu geloven, maar dat het moeilijk is. Van een koning wordt veel verwacht en daar komt bij dat hij de jongste is van 2 koningen in het dorp. De oudere koning—tevens toverdokter—moet worden gerespecteerd. Ze beginnen nu al te ervaren dat geloven wandelen op een smalle weg is, maar het geluk is te lezen in hun ogen. Een mooier Kerstcadeau hadden we ons niet kunnen wensen dan die ochtend in Tsiombivohitra te zijn.