The First Grades (December 2011)

The First Grades (December 2011)

December 8th, 2011

Jurgen has received his grades for his first 2 essays. He is very relieved to have scored 55% on his essay for ‘Spirit and Church in Mission Context’ and 61% for his exegesis. Not bad for a Dutch student in his first year!

Writing the essays cost Jurgen quite some time. He hopes to gain more proficiency over the coming trimester, starting in January.

From December the 16th Jurgen has his Christmas holiday. Katja and the children will also take a few weeks off to enjoy the Christmas season together.

First essays (November 2011)

First essays (November 2011)

November 13th 2011

Jurgen is now halfway through his first trimester at Trinity School of Theology. This trimester his modules are: Spirit and Church in Mission Context and Studying the Old Testament. He is very happy to receive education at this college and he is given a lot of help in his studies. The lessons take place in small groups, which enhances the learning process.

For both modules two papers have to be written. The first two essays have been completed, grades have not been given yet.

For whom is interested: below you can click on the essays to read them. The essay for the module ‘Spirit and Church in Mission Context’ illustrates the role of the Spirit in New Testament Times, during the Reformation and contemporary time. The essay underlines that the heart of the church is mission.

The second essay is an exegesis (explanation of the Bible) on Genesis 12, where Abram received his calling. We hope you enjoy reading the essays!

In the meantime Jurgen has started working on his portfolio of the church we visit for the module ‘Spirit and Church in Mission Context’. He is also thinking about the subject for his second exegesis.

Essay 1 – The essence of the church

Essay 1 – Exegesis on Genesis 12

Getting acquainted: harvest feasts (Oct. 2011)

Getting acquainted: harvest feasts (Oct. 2011)

Saturday the 8th of October 2011

We are getting acquainted in Aston Eyre. We have now found our way to the supermarket, the church, school, the library and so on. We feel comfortable to know our way around a bit.

The harvest feast have given us a splendid opportunity to get to know our neighbours in our little hamlet. At the end of September the Harvest Evensong in the ancient Anglican church opposite our house gave us a first taster of village life. About 30 people attended and afterward we shook hands with the vicar and some of our new neighbours.

Yesterday we joined in at the social event of Harvest Supper, communal with Morville. The supper was followed by a ‘Ceilidh’. This means, as we now know, having fun together on the dancefloor. We had a very good time.

Later this month there will be a special harvest service in the Baptist church in Bridgnorth. This is the church we visit on Sundays. We are getting to know more and more people in this church and the children are making friends.

Jurgen has started college (September 2011)

Jurgen has started college (September 2011)

After Fresher’s Week in the last week of September Bible College is going to start for Jurgen on October 3rd.

During Fresher’s Week much practical information has been given on various topics, including the school, studying, the subjects and culture shock. It was very useful and intense.

On October 3rd ‘normal’ studying will begin. Every week Jurgen will go to Rugby on Monday to return on Tuesday after suppertime. He will spend the night at another student’s house. The distance from our home to Rugby makes it a better choice to stay over.

The first term 2 subjects will be covered: ‘Studying the Old Testament’ and ‘Spirit and Church in mission context’.

Your prayers, especially during the first term, will be most appreciated since studying at university level is new to Jurgen, as is communicating in English all day. Thank you!

School has begun (September 2011)

School has begun (September 2011)

After a week of unpacking boxes and preparation school has begun for the children on the 12th of September. We are not travelling full speed ahead yet, but in three weeks time we hope to have a full school week.

Home education is new to us, so we need some time of adjustment. Apart from the different setting, the books are different from what the children were used to and they have more subjects. Apart from their Dutch subjects Math, Dutch and Handwriting we also offer them the English subjects Bible, History & Geography, Language Arts and Science. Apart from that we hope to have enough time for some purely practical subjects, such as PE.

Sofar we enjoy our school journey, especially the time spent reading together!

Safely arrived (September 2011)

Safely arrived (September 2011)

After travelling for 16 hours bij car and boat we have safely arrived in Aston Eyre. We left our Dutch house on September the 3rd at half past eleven to arrive at the cottage on September the 4th at a quarter to two at night. We had even already received post!

We are very happy to be here, we feel quite at home – despite all the boxes! Jurgen is busy assembling furniture. He is also looking for an English car. Katja is busy putting things in the right places and preparing for the children’s home education that starts on September the 12th.

The children are finding their way on the farm and look forward to being schooled. Jurgens education will start in the last week of September.

The work is done (August 2011)

The work is done (August 2011)

After 9 years of advocacy the work is done: Katja has ended her work as a lawyer in the first week of August. Katja is thankful to have been so privileged as to have been a lawyer. Much (and many kinds of) knowledge has been gained.

On August the 4th Katja had her last court hearing at the Court House. On that day she showed her family around and played out an almost real case with a familiar suspect …

On August the 18th there is a smal farewell party with her collegues.

Definitely sold! (August 2011)

Definitely sold! (August 2011)

Finally our house has been sold! Although we are not receiving the money we had hoped for we are very glad. It is a great relief to be leaving our house knowing that the mortgage will be paid off soon.

The buying party had stipulated that they could come back on the buy when they would be unable to finance the mortgage or when a building expert should discovers unpleasant surprises.

After the report from the building expert we saw the price drop some more. On the 20th of July we were informed that the buyers are able to finance: it is now final!

Logistic puzzle (July 2011)

Logistic puzzle (July 2011)

The date of our arrival in England is nearing rapidly. Jurgen is kept busy by the logistic puzzle involved. To sell two Dutch cars and buy an English car may seem an easy and straightforward job, but really … it is not. And how do you get 6 people across the canal with some furniture? What to do with that lovely larder and library cupboard? Apart from the logistic problems emotions are involved.

We are happy to receive help from family members and friends in Holland. We have a home front committee with two members especially appointed to help us in our logistic struggles.

So far we have worked out that we will move the furniture we will not need in England to the balcony of our church on Saturday the 3rd of September and on the 5th of September we hope to move ourselves and some smaller things to the United Kingdom.

Preparation children (July 2011)

Preparation children (July 2011)

It is preparation time for the children. On the 22nd of July they will say their good bye’s in their primary school. We try to make it a positive experience for them with treats and such. Vanya, Issa and Abbey will give of have already given a good bye party.

The children are actively involved in the process of moving to England. They are included in some decisions (regarding what to do with this or that thing / toy etc.) and they help us clear things, pack and shove boxes.

We try to mentor the children emotionally as good as we can. We use the help of others and of special talk and do book about moving to another country.

The move comes with double feelings: on the one hand they are excited on the other sad to miss friends.