Newsletter January 2025

Newsletter January 2025

Dear brothers, sisters and friends,

Yay! We have arrived at a brand-new year! That went fast. Still, in this letter we would like to reflect on the events of last year—in particular the visit to our village in December.

We had already hinted at it a bit on social media, but there is so much great stuff to share that we need a bit more writing space. In other words: This newsletter is going to be long so sit back and enjoy it! You can scroll down if you would like to see the pictures and video’s.

YES! The Shipping has Arrived

The shipment of our translation work arrived at the end of November. The 800-kilo pallet was delivered to Tana along with a variety of goods from MAF and Helimission. The missionaries from these two organisations picked it up from the depot and close to our house we were able to transfer it from their truck into our car—which then immediately started sinking heavily into the suspension 😂

Once neatly stacked in our garage, we still had to be patient about opening the boxes. Customs first wanted to send another inspector to check whether we didn’t put any naughty things in the boxes. Fortunately, we did not have to wait long and could finally take a look at the booklets. They look fantastic! The spreading of God’s word can begin.

Just a Quick trip before Christmas

A trip to our village, Maroamboka, always requires quite a bit of preparation. In the previous letter, we mentioned that I (Jurgen) would take three people with me, Tiavina, Neto, and Jonoro. Unfortunately, Tiavina had to drop out. The empty place in the car was eagerly taken by Issa.

Neto went along mainly to gain experience while Jonoro could possibly be of encouragement to our friends in the area. We were not sure what to expect because the people in our village were previously very reluctant towards strangers. We did have visitors when we were still living in the village. When we wanted to introduce our friends to the villagers, there was nobody in sight while others had hidden themselves in their houses.

Anyway, the trip was scheduled from December the 16th till the 23rd. Of that, you have to count four days for travelling itself. To make things a bit easier, we asked someone from the village, Narfelo, to do the cooking for us.

From one Surprise to Another

On our way to Maroamboka, we always stop for the night in Ranomafana. This is already fairly close by and many of the people in and around Ranomafana are or speak Antanala. We have tested our translations here many times. Jonoro went for a walk in the evening and met the local pastor. He immediately did what he does best: make contact. Jonoro talked about the work we do. The pastor told him that he already knew about this. He knew that I had already shared the Gospel in dialect several times at the market. The foreigner, who calls himself father of Vanya (iaban’i Vanya), was already quite well known in and around Ranomafana. The pastor was keen to meet me to hear how we could help each other. Jonoro made the arrangement that we would visit him on the way back. That was arranged surprisingly quickly!

Once we arrived in the village, we were warmly welcomed. People were so happy that Issa and I were back home. One person thought we might be dead because normally we came home much more often. Yes, he said ‘home’, as we may live in Tana, but according to the villagers, that’s not really where we belong.

To my surprise, people walked right up to Jonoro and Neto, and immediately started chatting pleasantly with them. Despite the fact that Neto’s Malagasy was limited and Jonoro’s Malagasy sounded different from the language in the village, the people took ample time to welcome them too. No fears or shyness. “No,” the people said, “Jonoro and Neto had been taken along by Vanya’s father, so they can be trusted.”

The First Visit

Despite the heat, we spent our days in Maroamboka well. We mainly went out in the mornings to meet people.

Fanja was, of course, the first person we visited. Fanja and her husband Sylvestre were the people who introduced us to people in 2016. We have always experienced a lot of support from this lovely couple.

Sylvestre and Fanja are deeply involved in the Church of Jesus Christ on Madagascar (FJKM). Unfortunately, Sylvestre was not home, but that did not stop Fanja from inviting us for a delicious meal.

The funny thing was that she and Jonoro remembered each other from a Bible school they had attended when they were young. As a result, conversations went very smoothly and appointments were quickly made.

We shared our plans to send students from various Bible schools to Maroamboka. In Maroamboka, they could then get the needed practical experience. They could then learn what it is like to preach the Gospel in remote areas. Fanja was enthusiastic and eager to help where needed. Not only that, but she knows just about everyone and every village in the area. She is a great source of information! In due course, Fanja will mobilise young Christians who can go with the students to show them the way and introduce them to the people in the remote villages.

Church Grows Steadily

Of course, we also visited the father of Mainty and the father and mother of Luka. These Christian brothers and sister are the teachers at the local Lutheran Church (FLM). The father of Mainty has long used the translated Bible stories to teach new believers the big picture of salvation in the Bible.

The father of Mainty told us of all the happenings in the area. The Lutheran churchbuilding in Maroamboka has become too small! What happened? The village of Tsiombivohitra where I, Jurgen, went almost weekly (for years) to teach and preach the Bible stories, now has a large group of Christians. When I used to go there, I was told that there were only two young people who believed in Jesus. This couple was looked down on because they did not participate in traditional ancestor worship. The young king of the village understood that the Gospel was important but had no interest in following Jesus—after all, it would mean that he would then no longer be allowed to remain king.

Honestly, I sometimes got despondent about the work in Tsiombivohitra. But the Lord goes on. Sometime last year, the sown seed seemed to take root. First, the young couple came to Maroamboka on Sunday mornings to seek the Lord with the brothers and sister in the FLM. But not much later, they took about 20 more people from Tsiombivohitra in their wake. One of those people is the king’s wife!

The tide in Tsiombivohitra seems to have turned. It is just a small village which means that the believers are slowly starting to become the majority. Since it is seven kilometres to Maroamboka, they have now agreed with the FLM leadership to build a sister congregation in Tsiombivohitra.

But this village is not the only one where people are coming to a living faith in Christ. The father of Mainty told us that there are plans to build a church in at least two more villages.


When we moved into the village in 2017, there didn’t seem to be much of cooperation between the FLM and FJKM. Meanwhile, Christians from these churches don’t seem to remember that period 😆

The same question we had put to Fanja, we also asked The father of Mainty and the father and mother of Luka. Would they be willing to help students in their visits to surrounding villages? If so, would they also be willing to take this up together with the Christians from the FJKM. Both questions were answered with a resounding ‘yes’. After all, we worship the same Lord! This is good news because it means we should have more than enough helpers.

The Two Pastors

I was very keen to meet the FJKM pastor, Oliva. Oliva is still young, and his wife recently gave birth to their first daughter, Gloria, in the capital. We visited him. Oliva turns out to have a knack for languages. He speaks excellent English and appeared to switch to Portuguese without much difficulty during his conversation with Neto.

Oliva was very excited about the translation work and is keen to get involved. In February, however, he is going to live just outside our area. Living in our area is very difficult. Especially when you have a small child and a wife who has not yet recovered. The village where Oliva will live is about 25 kilometres away and has direct access to clean water, electricity, and paved road to other big cities. In that area too, our translation work is much appreciated, and Oliva is keen to use it there as well.

The second pastor we have managed to meet was our good friend Doris. Doris is the pastor of a Pentecostal church. His church now has about ninety regular attendees. Doris lives in Tanambao. This was the first village I started visiting in early 2018. When Doris and his wife Alphossin moved there in August 2018, we agreed that I would start visiting other villages, and leave Tanamboa to them. Doris and Alphossin’s work is clearly blessed. After all, the 90 believers are not the only believers in Tanambao. There is other new believers there who decided to worship at the FLM in Maroamboka. This is not surprising considering that the FLM is one of the most well-known denominations on Madagascar. The FLM is known as solid and reliable. The church (Rhema) that Doris and Alphossin founded is somewhat less known and so some prefer to choose the FLM. Doris is fine with that, as long as people start following Jesus!

Why Maroamboka?

Our village, Maroamboka, is actually only small when compared to the central village of our area, Sandrohy. I’ll explain it a bit. In the Dutch province North-Holland, Schagen is a municipality, and for example the village Burgerbrug is a village under that municipality. Likewise, Maroamboka is a village under the municipality of Sandrohy.

Actually, Sandrohy is the central place for the churches—the stronghold of Christianity in the area. The pastor of the FJKM lives there, and the church building is one of stone with a metal roof. It is also the focal point of almost all church celebrations.

Maroamboka, on the other hand, is the place of witch doctors. Seven of them live and work in and around Maroamboka! Some of them are so powerful that people come all the way from the capital to consult them. In short, Maroamboka was more or less the stronghold of Satan.

And it is precisely in Maroamboka that the church is growing! And it is Maroamboka where people come to hear more about the Gospel. Why? No clue, but Issa noted that the Lord has a sense of humour. Issa said, “the evil one must have been happy when we left Maroamboka. But it is as if God helped the evil one out of his evil dream by using Maroamboka for His mighty and glorrious work.” 😎 I like Issa’s conclusion.

Yet also Setbacks

While we would prefer to write only ‘good-news’ letters, we cannot escape the fact that we sometimes experience setbacks too.

Visits to the village seem to attraction of accidents. One time, Siemen had to make an emergency visit to the dentist after a fall. Another time, Issa suffered a flesh wound in a swimming pool. And while I was in the village this time, Katja broke her collarbone.

When I am in the village, we try to call each other every day. So when Abbey called me on Friday afternoon, I unsuspectingly picked up the phone. “Hi daddy! Could you please give me some credit?” When I asked her what she needed it for, she told me she needed to call a taxi to go to the hospital … WHAT?! That was the moment Abbey realised that I did not yet know what had happened. Abbey quickly handed the phone to Katja so she could tell me the whole story. No, I didn’t have to come home straight away because they knew how to get to the hospital themselves 😵‍💫

After the weekend, we returned home. Besides all the advice of befriended nurses and doctors, Katja and I went to another hospital. The general advice seems to be not to operate immediately. The collarbone will have to grow back together on its own. Should there be permanent immobility, it can still be surgically fixed.

So in the meantime, Katja is walking with a shoulder that does not want to cooperate. Fortunately, it hurts a lot less than it did in the first two weeks, but it is not fun. Luckily, we are blessed with children who know their way around. All five of them help (as usual, but now a bit more) in the household.

We do have to be a bit careful with katja. Our family motto says that you have to feel a hug. We can not abide by that motto right now. Now a hug should be given very softly and gently.

Next Trip

The next trip is already on the agenda. I hope to travel to Maroamboka again on Monday 20 January. This time together with Abbey and Simeon.

The trip is threefold. Halfway through the outward journey, I will join an American missionary, Matt Espeland, who has founded a church at the border of the Antanala region. The idea is that I will go there to see if these people would also benefit from our translation work. Should this be the case, Matt can use the material to teach people in their own dialect.

In Maroamboka, I am going to renew the water pipes around the house with strong flexible pipes. The current (PVC) pipes are completely weathered and crack at the slightest bump. If we do get students in the house, at least they won’t have to worry about that.

Thirdly, I agreed with Menja that we will continue working on the Book of Genesis again. Genesis, with its 50 chapters, is a big project and will take some time before it is ready for the first proof-readings.

All three of us, Abbey, Simeon and I are very much looking forward to it again!

To Conclude

Dear friends. A long newsletter this time. Normally we try to keep it shorter, but as you might have noticed that would not have done justice to all that has happened and been said. Again, below you’ll find the the pictures and some video’s.

We hope that after reading this letter, you, like us, are also looking forward to what the future holds. We can make plans but one thing we know for sure is that “what the Lord intends, happens.” (Proverbs 19:21)

We feel privileged to receive so much support in our work. Thank you for your prayers, compassion, and support!

Together with you, we want to keep trusting in the Lord! Because God is good, always! And always God i s good!

We sincerely wish you God’s blessing!

Katja & Jurgen
Vanya, Issa, Abbey, Dani en Simeon Hofmann.

Things to Pray for:

We are thankful because:

  1. we serve a great and mighty God;
  2. God adds daily to His Church;
  3. of the fantastic time in the village;
  4. we have such a good relationship with the villagers;
  5. the translated booklets have arrived;

Pray that/for:

  1. our financial standing will return to normal;
  2. the next trip to our village;
  3. a complete healing of Katja’s collarbone and shoulder;
  4. we are able to get the booklets to the right people.
  5. the plans to bring students to the village may succeed.


Wonderschone waterval in Nationaal Park, Ranomafana, Madagaskar.

Prediking van de Bijbelverhalen op de markt in Sandrohy.

Samen met iaban’i Velotia in gebed.

Epoxy is your Friend

Epoxy is your Friend

Car trouble is bound to happen when you travel the roads of Madagascar with all the put holes and big bumbs.

We spend our Christmas and New Year in Mantasoa. A wonderful place in the area of Antananarivo… ‘Only’ 16 hours drive from home. Naturally you check all the fluids in the car and whether all visible part are still tight. The car did just fine, and we had a lovely holiday in Mantasoa.

Then, on our way back, 30 kilometres from the nearest town, the bar that holds the radiator broke. The radiator went down and with that, hoses came loose. The bar had to be welded, so we quickly continued our way to the garage. At least that was the plan. After a few hundred metres, the clutch stopped working. The pipe with clutch fluid leaked, and thus we didn’t have any pressure. After a long drive (since we only could drive in third gear) we arrived at the garage. Repair, in between heavy showers of rain, took 4 hours.

On our way again and finally after 15 hours we reached our favourite stopover, Ranomafana. Just a short break of a few days among some nice people is lovely. I wish! The radiator started leaking again. This time we do the repairs ourselves. Epoxy-glue is your friend when you own a car on Madagascar.

I decided to see it as a hobby… That way it is less annoying. Also, it gives an opportunity to learn the traits of mechanics, which is useful for a missionary. Likewise, plumber, electrician, carpenter, road worker and what not.

Trip to Maroamboka

Trip to Maroamboka

A week ago Jurgen and Issa travelled to Maroamboka to pay a visit to the building site of our house. Maroamboka is situated just 5km from Sandrohy.


We wanted to visit the side earlier but putting all the car papers in our name took much longer than anticipated. Finally, we received all the papers… that is to say, the temporary papers. Hopefully he official papers will be ready at the end of December 2016. Jurgen’s Malagasy drivers licence is a whole different story. To get the official licence we need a visa that has to be still six months valid. This is not so straightforward as it might sound. When we apply for a visa (for the new year) we receive a paper that says that we have applied. With this paper we can travel but it is not the same as the official visa. Still, the validity of the visa starts as soon as we apply. In other words, if we receive the official visa after 4 months it will only be valid for eight more months. Our hope is that we will get our visa in time to transform the temporary licence to a permanent one.


Slowly but surely the car is equipped with the necessities to deal with the hard conditions in which we are going to use it. One of the changes is a big roofrack (2,30 bij 1,20). Local metalworkers worked hard to make us a strong one. We are very happy with the rack as this gives us the possibility to move our belongings in and out of the area.

Jurgen used the visit to move many of our furniture. On the roof we transported a heavy cupboard together with two small tables. In the car we stacked our chairs and kitchen appliance. Jurgen and Issa left on the 11th of December at about 5 in the morning. After only 45 minutes a police officer stopped them. The load on the roof was no problem but apparently Jurgen needed a permit for the load in the car. Luckily Jurgen managed to persuade the officer to write him a permit on the spot. So, with all the right papers they could continue their trip.

Bad Roads

The national roads on Madagascar look very much like Dutch cheese with holes. This makes travelling very tiresome. At noon Issa and Jurgen arrived in a place called Abohimahasoa. There they stopped to spend the night in a hotel. The next day they travelled the second part. Near Ifanadiana one of the tires went flat, a piece of wood stuck right through. Fortunately help was not far. Jurgen stopped the car near one of the many police checkpoints and asked one of the officers for help. The officer first had to put his AK47 aside and then he stopped a lorry. He told the driver that the foreigners needed help. The lorry driver, together with a local, changed the wheel and said that there was no need for Jurgen to get his hands dirty. A few miles further the tire was repaired in Ifanadiana for about € 1,70.


It is not hard to hear the car coming. The people of Sandrohy al ready waited at the side of the road. The children sheered and clapped their hands and the adults came to shake hands. After some brief chats the trip continued to Maroamboka, about five kilometres from Sandrohy. This road was a good test for the car. Deep gullies, big rocks and steep climbs (sometimes 35% and more).

Passing through the last curve the house became visible. Quickly the local people ran towards the car to greet Jurgen and Issa. The car could be parked next to the house of our contact person. After the inspection of the car by all the ‘experts they started to unload the car, which didn’t took long with all the extra hands.


The House

We were already informed about the fact that the builders didn’t fully followed the drawings. Our drawings where way to modest. The house will be bigger because, according to the builder, we need enough space for all our children. On the ground floor we will have a bedroom and a combination of a living room with a kitchen. Going up the stairs we find ourselves on the first floor with a corridor and two more bedrooms for the children. Outside is a separate place to wash ourselves and about 15 metres further the builders dug a toilet. The house is situated next to a water-well with clean water. Most of the time there is enough pressure to install some plumbing. This is something the builder will look at. However, during Jurgen’s and Issa’s visit the well didn’t give much water due to a lack of rain. We will have to see whether we can solve this with a water reservoir that can collect and store rainwater. The house is mainly built of wood from the nearby rainforest. We will have, however, a tin roof and the ground floor is made of cement. The traditional houses have a leaf roof and a wooden or mud floor. This is a set up for trouble during the rainy season. Coming month we will look for a solar panel system. Solar panels are more common as many have a little system to recharge phones and the like.


During the two days, Jurgen and Issa visited three villages. The mpanjakas (kings) of two villages where absent. Jurgen brought the promised photos from our last visit and left it together with his greetings for the mpanjaka. The mpanjaka of the last village was present and he welcomed Jurgen and Issa into his house. It was a good meeting in which the mpanjaka did his utmost to understand Jurgen’s official Malagasy. The conversation was relaxed and amusing—especially when Jurgen started to pronounce the differences in several Malagasy dialects. The mpanjaka said that he was very happy to hear Jurgen’s progress in the language.

Meanwhile, Jurgen and Issa are back in Antananarivo. The came back with a lot of fruit given by the locals. We are planning another trip to Maroamboka soon. We will have to bring more furniture and other things like our bed and school material for the children. The builder estimated that we can move as a family somewhere in January 2017.

We are excited! Finally, after months of preparation, we are going to live among the Tanala.

Friends Already

Friends Already

We had to wait a long time, but at the end of last month we finally made our family trip to Sandrohy and the surrounding vilages. Although we still did not have a vehicle ourselves, friends made the trip possible by lending us their four wheel drive family car. It was a long trip of 540 km that took us 14 hours, mainly because of road conditions.

Upon arrival we were welcomed by many people of the village. The people of Sandrohy take great interest in visitors, especially foreigners. We stayed in the centre of the village in a specially prepared room, adjacent to a local shop. We felt very welcome in many ways: the local chilldren played with our children and brought them so many flowers we felt we needed to tell them we had quite enough whereas the local women enjoyed chatting with Katja.

You can see a video impression of our trip here:
[wp_fancybox_media hyperlink=”” type=”youtube” width=”640″ height=”360″ url=”″]

The goals of the trip were to get to know the area, to meet with the local people and their headmen (mpanjaka) and to see where we might live as a family.

On a previous trip Jurgen had already visited several villages. This time we renewed these contacts as a family. A local friend helped us to say the right words (greetings and goodbyes are subject to good form) and help us communicate our meanings in coming to their villages. We emphasised that we are coming to share the Good News from the Bible with them, but that we need to learn their dialect first. We asked them for their friendship as we will need some people to stand by us.

The responses were heartwarming – especially in 2 villages. In Tsiombivositra (see picture below) the whole village said they wanted to be friends and asked for a photo as a confirmation between us of our friendship. We will print the photo and bring it to the headman on our next visit. We were touched by the fact that it was not just the headman pleading his allegiance with us, but it was clearly something in which everyone wanted a part.

We also spoke with our new friends about a place to live. The were concerned since they did not have a pomp nearby – and what would we do if we got sick? We were moved that our new friends did not so much worry about their own needs in this respect, but were thinking of us!

Our contact in the region, Sylvestre, had a solution for a place to live. He owns much land in his own village and has a small plot of land just outside the village he is willing to offer up for the purpose. We are very thankful that there is a place for us, central to many villages in the Sandrohy area. Before deciding we will discuss the matter further with AIM Madagascar’s leadership. Exciting times …

First Impressions

First Impressions

We have arrived! After an almost 8 hour flight we have landed in Nairobi, Kenya, on Saturday 10th in the evening. During travel we enjoyed the good food and the views of the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert. It was quite an experience!

After arrival we have stayed at AIM’s guesthouse in Nairobi for three days. That way we could rest awhile after the busy months we have had and be better prepared for the the conference we are now attending. A video about our journey from Schiphol to Nairobi you can find on our multimedia page.

On Tuesday 13th October we travelled in over 3 hours to the conference location. We saw men in business suits and just around corner one of the many slums of Nairobi, where houses are only for the rich. Halfway we passed by Rift Valley. Close to Nakuru we were treated to grazing antelopes and zebra. A video of the sights we saw can be found here.

Sofar we are very thankful for the preparation to missionary life in Africa we receive. The first week we have learned much about African culture, values and worldview. The tutor is an African who has studied in England and thus understands both Western and African culture. We also benefit from the contact with the other attending missionaries – some unexperienced, some with many years of service behind them.

In the the week to come we will dig deeper into African worldview and we will discuss safety and health. The third week will be about transformational development and world religions. Activities will include visiting local churches, a mosque and a visit to a Kenyan family. It is an interesting but worthwhile programme.

Photo Gallery Baby

Photo Gallery Baby

We had to wait 4 years on his arrival, but he has finally made it: Simeon! He was born on 29 July at 01:20 am in hospital. He weighed 3810 grammes and measured about 51 cm. It all went rather quickly: labour started at 10:49 pm, the arrival in hospital was at 00:30 am and three quarters of an hour later Simeon had safely found his way into this world. We feel very rich. Again we are amazed about 10 little toes and 10 little fingers. How small and fragile life begins!



Our departure to Madagascar is drawing nearer. For years we have been preparing ourselves, but how?


The language amongst missionaries and within most missionary organisations is English. That is one of the reasons why we have decided to raise our children bilingually from an early age. From about 3 years of age – when they have an age appropriate fluency in Dutch – Katja speaks as much English to and with them as possible. After having learned to read and write Dutch at beginner’s level, we start teaching them the same in English. Sofar this approach works for our family: our children are capable of conversing in 2 languages and are confident about their abilities. On the mission field they will be able to communicate with other missionaries and their children from the start.

Cultural Awareness

Compared to thirty years ago, when we were in primary education, the world seems to have ‘shrunk’! The world comes closer in the books we read, the television programmes we see and even through people living around us who have come from a different culture.

Since we will be living in a vastly different culture than our own, we read and talk a lot about the continents, climates, cultures and religions in the world. We hope to get a better understanding of what culture is and how important it is in everyday life. We read books on Madagascar in particular, so we will have some idea in advance of what we might experience and see.


Children of missionaries generally have more identity problems than their peers who have no cross-cultural experience. It is often heard that the live between 2 or more cultures and have difficulty identifying any which country as home. Ties with the country of origin can be weaker than the ties with the country they, as a familly, have served in.

For these reasons we emphasize our own cultural identity as well. Through history lessons, typical Dutch celebrations and family traditions we enforce our identity as a familly, Christians, Dutch and Europeans. We trust this will enable us to move and feel freely in both our own and our host cultures.

A Cozy Little Cottage

A Cozy Little Cottage

On the third of October we moved from West Farm Cottage in England to a little cottage in Holland. The journey took us about 20 hours. The first few days were spent unpacking boxes, but now we have settled into our nice little cottage. The cottage, which used to be a pigsty, belongs to Katja’s mother who moved to the old farmhouse three years ago. The children have quite some room to play, and the ducks have found their way to granny’s pond.

Since last week the children’s lessons have been resumed. All goes well, although it is not an easy transition for us. We miss England and our friends there, and we have not returned to the Netherlands to stay. We all realise we are only here temporarily.

Please pray for our family as we settle back into Holland, especially for peace as we seek to trust the Lord to unfold His plan with our lives