These costs are sometimes bothering us. But the Lord knows, and we are regularly blessed by dear brothers and sisters
who give us an extra gift to meet these costs. Our thanks for that! It takes away a lot of worry.
That being said, transport is a ongoing major expense. Madagascar's roads are getting worse and worse. Whereas six
years ago we were travelling to our village in only twelve hours, now it takes at least seventeen hours! The potholes,
cracks, stones in and on the road take a strong toll on a car. So, besides your prayers and other means of encouragement,
a special donation for the maintenance of the car is definitely not a luxury. At the bottom of this letter, you will see what
the options are.
Besides all the events, we have also started thinking about our next furloiugh in 2024. We hope to come to the
Netherlands in February 2024. The leave will be a bit longer than usual.
Vanya hopes to take her exams and Issa is also preparing himself for part of his exams.
Meanwhile, we have already been blessed with a rental house for this period. It is a single-family house in Oudewater,
Utrecht. Previous times, it was always a hassle to find a house for our leave. On top of that, most houses are very
expensive to rent. So, we are extremely happy that this house is available.
Also, Foundation ‘Hand’ has already agreed to let us borrow a car from them.
We hope to book the tickets in October and then meet you all soon again. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you would like
to invite us to your church or home group, for example. We are happy to share our adventures or give a sermon. While
writing this, we also realise that it will be a bit hard to travel to e.g. England or Germany, but maybe we can even do
something by means of the internet.
Thank you!
We hope that after reading this letter, you, like us, are also looking forward to what the future holds. We can make plans but one thing we know for sure: “whatever the Lord has planned, will come to pass.” (Proverbs 19:21)
We feel privileged to have so much support in our work. Thank you for your prayers, compassion, support, and encouragements!
Together with you, we want to continue to trust in the Lord! For God is good, all the time! And all the time, God is good!
We sincerely wish you God's rich blessing!
Katja & Jurgen
Vanya, Issa, Abbey, Dani and Simeon Hofmann.